Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of
your heart.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy belated Thanksgiving from Haiti!

Thanksgiving Day was yesterday and I must say it was interesting being in another country and celebrating an American holiday. We had the Thanksgiving dinner at 6pm and some people who work at the mission joined us. We had SO much food!!! It was a huge feast and really good. We had so much that we had another Thanksgiving dinner tonight! Last night the kids dressed up as pilgrims and indians. They each were a specific person and had to give a report on that person. It was quite cute. :) The older kids played instruments and sang. It was a lovely evening.

I only have 10 more days left here in Haiti. Wow, so crazy. It seems like yesterday in a way was the first day I was here. So much has happened in the 10 months that I have been here. Lots of wonderful growing experiences. Now I am ready for my new adventure and a new home in Minnesota. It will be very nice. :) Some new details I know that I didn't know on my last post are:
I will be living with Tom's grandma in MN. She has a nice big house with extra bedrooms and she graciously has offered one of them to me! I am really excited to live there and get to know her more.
When Tom comes to CA on the 19th the party will be at my Aunt Carolyn's house. My parents will still be in the apartment so there's no room for a big party. Everyone who wants to meet Tom mark it on your calendar!!!

This week will be getting ready to leave. I need to still go through stuff and then start packing. Tom did take some of my stuff when he was here which has helped a lot. Oh and I also get to spend a lot of time with the Liebs kids this next week because Chris and Kelli will be gone at a marriage retreat. It will be a fun and crazy time i'm sure!

I might not have time to post until I get settled in MN, but I will try to post when I can.
Thank you to all my faithful readers who bear with me on my lack of posting. You guys are great and thank you for the comments that prompt me to post!


Tuesday, October 23, 2007


So I promised details and here they are:

I am in the middle of the 5th session of the Masters Class right now. I realized yesterday that it will most likely be my last. How sad :( Once this week is over I will work on the 2nd grade Bible curriculum and get ready for Tom's visit to Haiti on November 7th!!!!!! I am sooooo excited for that! He is going to be here from the 7th to the 12th. On Wed. night when he gets in we're going to eat with Chris & Kelli upstairs. On Thursday night Tom and I are going over to Elsa's for dinner. Friday night is dinner with everyone and I'm hoping Saturday we can take a walk to Ft. Jacques. On Sunday we will go to church at Thomassin and then eat out somewhere and on Monday he leaves. I'm hoping one of those days we can take a drive up to the towers, the coffee shop, and the lookout. We'll see how it all goes.

When Tom leaves Haiti I will just have 3 more weeks left here!!!! Wow, so crazy. I am going to miss everyone so much. I can't think about it now or else I will start crying. I arrive home December 3rd. The next 2 weeks will be packing, going through stuff, and hanging out with friends and family. On December 19th Tom comes into CA and the 21st Tom, me, and my parents leave for a road trip to MN and along the way we will pick up Carl in AZ. Lord willing we will make it to MN on the 23rd so we can have Christmas Eve at my grandma and grandpa's. As I write all this stuff out I realize how busy, crazy, and so exciting all this is!!! :)

After all the holidays I plan on getting a job right away which means the looking has to come first. I just really don't like looking for jobs. I have been praying about it and I know that God will provide. He's always provided for me so why do I have to even worry about it?! God has orchestrated all of this and basically I just sit back and watch and go where God tells me to go! It really is the greatest thing to trust God, actually the best thing.

For all those who want to meet Tom there will be a party on December 19th, sometime in the evening. The place will be announced at a later time once I know where my parents will be living. ;)

Until next time... :)

Friday, October 19, 2007

It's been a while

I apologize to anyone who checks my blog and has had to see the same post for the last 4 months!!

A lot has happened in the last 4 months. To catch up everyone up I am currently in Haiti but leaving in December to go to CA. I will spend a few weeks in CA packing my stuff up and then I am moving to MN!!!

I will write more later and with details I promise! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Nearing the end...

The Liebs come back on Saturday so thus ends my time house-sitting and guard duty. I thought I would do a little recap of my time here and things that have happened.

The first and probably most major is: I lost their cat, Franky. Ran outside and haven't seen it since.
I might miss everyday getting up at 6am to answer the guards knocking on the door. Might.
Everynight between the hours of 4:30-7:30pm I have listened for the guards knock to give them their stuff for the night.
I endured one night of termites flying all around and dropping from the ceiling.
Have experienced the MOST quiet time of my life ever. It taught me a lot.
I definitely have enjoyed the good connection of wireless internet. :)
Watched many, many, many movies ready for my mom to bring me some new ones.
I learned how to make a house smell good. :)
I know now how to kill flying beetles and stink bugs.

This weekend I will now move to a different house, not my apartment though. I will be moving into Lenny and Adele's place. My parents and I are staying there while Lenny and Adele are gone. I am going to pre-move in there before my parents get in and freshen it up a bit. I'm just moving from one house to the other! Maybe God is preparing me for later in life when I'll move a lot or something!! It's kinda fun, but I will say I like moving in with people and not always by myself. I'm ready for the noise and action to begin!!

Until next time...maybe I'll post some pics next time....

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Missing people...

This is a blog to all the people that I miss right now...

(not in order of significance)

Tiffany--I miss our times together of watching old movies and enjoying True Women together and Anne of Green Gables :)
Adele--My great exercising buddy, movie watching buddy, great confidant, and prayer warrior
Angie--her house, her laugh, and just plain being with her
Rachel--I miss how she makes me laugh and I miss our talks
Angelina--I just miss her and living and working with her
Mom--Our silly times together and wonderful confidant (I will see her soon!!)
Carl--His great piano playing, picking on me and teasing me :)
Michelle--Oh dear Misha, I just miss her and our good times together
Dad--His quiet voice and gentle laugh (I will see him soon too!!)
Morgan--I miss my Morgan time!!!!
Dean--I miss saying "ohhhh Deeaaannn" to him :)
Z Way girls--I miss their cutenss and hanging out with them (be seeing them soon!)

There are more people I miss of course these are just a few of them.
Some of these people I will see in a few short weeks and others I will see in September and then some I pray I will be able to see them this year.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

God's Provision

We serve a great God!! Yesterday God provided and made it possible for me to come home to the states for 1 month! I am going to be leaving PAP Sept. 1st and arriving in CA and then leaving CA the 10th to go to MN for 3 weeks and then back to Haiti Oct. 1st.

I have been praying a lot about when I should go and if I should stay in the states forever or come back to Haiti and God gave me the answer yesterday. As I was looking at tickets I knew that I needed to come back to Haiti. My work isn't done here yet. I'm not sure when it will be, if it will be in December or after. I am trusting God and will just wait and see where He leads me. Yesterday I was extremely content to just wait for an answer about Sept. but God granted me the answer and it is wonderful! God is so good and gracious. Wow.

I am very excited to have a break in Sept. and see my family and friends in both states. The ticket to go from CA to MN to PAP was very very reasonable, another blessing from God. Praise Him for his unending provision. God led me here to Haiti and I will leave when He tells me to, but in the meantime He's given me this great opportunity to go home for a while.

Friends, never doubt God's provision and care for you. He will always provide maybe not in the ways we want Him to but He will provide in His own way. Trusting God is so exciting and very adventurous. I just love it!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


My thoughts recently have mulled over the question of "how long do I stay here?" and "when should I go back to the states?" and "when I go back how long should I stay or should I not go back to Haiti?" So many questions and in the midst of asking all those questions I hear a voice saying "Trust Me." I am human and I fail miserably and I fail at many times in trusting God. I do have faith that He will tell me how long and when at the right time. Of course, me being me I am impatient and want to know right now! But I can't so I must wait. I must have fearlessness and put my hope in God. I was reading a sermon of John Piper's today on Biblical womanhood and he was talking about what a woman of God should look like. Here's a little quote from it:

"So this portrait of Christian womanhood is marked first by hope in God and then what grows out of that hope, namely, fearlessness. She does not fear the future; she laughs at the future. The presence of hope in the invincible sovereignty of God drives out fear. Or to say it more carefully and realistically, the daughters of Sarah fight the anxiety that rises in their hearts. They wage war on fear, and they defeat it with hope in the promises of God. "

I want to be able to laugh at the future and not worry because my hope is my sovereign God. My future is secure in Him. Praise the Lord!! I will lay my thoughts and questions at His feet and let Him be the great and awesome God He is. So many times I try to do things my way but I need to just be quiet and still and wait on Him. Yes, be still...